Orion Appreciation Dinner 2013
Last Friday (yes sorry everyone we know its kind of late, but better late than never right :)), Operation Orion had our appreciation dinner! Organised by the Orion Alumni Network (OAN), the dinner not only rewarded the Orion 2012 team for their hard work, but also bonded the Orion family further by bringing back alumni from different years. While there was initial awkwardness between the Orion members of different years, we soon warmed up to each other with the sharing of much laughter as the night goes on.
Here’s a sneak peek at what we were laughing at:
With the atmosphere at its highest, the photo-taking session is the natural thing to follow! Indeed, we took many pictures (who doesn’t like to take pictures?), but it is impossible to showcase all of it here. Do not despair though! We will be uploading them onto our Facebook page so do check it for some awesome photos! To whet your appetite, here’s a photo of all the present and past Orion members that attended the dinner.
In addition, the official handover of the baton to the Orion main committee of 2013 was also conducted during the dinner amidst much joy and laughter. As the night comes to a close, we concluded the dinner on a happy note with the celebration of Operation Orion 2011 clinching the Student Achievement Award for the second year running. Congratulations!
Here’s an Oscar-worthy picture of the award winners!
It is on such joyous note that the appreciation dinner ended. However, this is certainly not an end to the freshly made friendships between the different Orion batches. With a common heritage between us, we will continue to grow closer as family 🙂