F-F-Fundraising Update!
Good day folks! Yet again for another round of updates, and today we focus on what Fundraising has in store for us.
To raise funds for our expedition, Operation Orion will be holding booth sales in the Engineering, Arts and Social Sciences, and Science faculties over the semester. We will be selling our Pledge Your Love donation cards, our Chocolate Packs, the Orion T-shirts, and the new Orion badges, which are a new item that the Fundraising committee has added to the list of Orion merchandise.
And since NUS students cannot seem to get enough of bubble tea, we have also confirmed that bubble tea will definitely be sold at every of our booth sales days.
Next on our Fundraising programs list, we will be having an Orion Newspaper Collection Drive! It will likely take place twice during the semester break, though specific dates have not been released yet, and will replace last year’s Orion Car Wash fundraising program.
Lastly, there will also be the annual Operation Orion Bazaar 2012 in week 6 of the semester so watch out closely that week for the ever popular Milo Van!
We do not, however, have many details today so here is a shot of this year’s Fundraising Subcommittee Head dressed as our Orion 2011 Mascot at last year’s bazaar.
Word is that the Mascot will be making a comeback this bazaar with an all-new look and theme. To find out how it turns out, stay tuned for more news! =P