Recce Trip 2012
On 20th to 23rd June, our PD, Vice PD and Operations head headed off to Chiang Mai for the recce trip to understand more about the project we will be undertaking this year. Here are some interesting facts about the OCIP we will be going for this year:
-We will be going to the same school that we went last year.

-We will be shifting 100 chickens into the chicken farm by the end of the project.

–Largest Operation Orion project ever (in terms of size). The chicken farm will be a 9m by 6m structure on a pond. It will be a 4m tall building measured from base of pond to the roof.

You might wonder what the place we will be staying in looks like. I’ll let the pictures do the talking 🙂
-Toilets. The place that concerns people most. The toilets are similar to last year’s and are pretty clean.

-Sleeping area.

-Dining area

-Cooking area. Yes, we have to help out with cooking. It’s a pretty fun experience where we try our hand at Thai cuisine.

How will we actually build the farm?

How does the project look? Pretty fun isn’t it. The recce trip provided lots of other interesting information and pictures, and I believe the project will be very successful!
That’s all for today! Until next time:)